Dr. Eric Kelly III is an influential African-American businessman
(BBR) Black Business Olympics
Global Network - broadcasted to Over 200 Countries
18 Different Social Media Platforms
7 Days
The Black Business Olympics is one of the largest business showcases in the history of Black Business in the world. Our focus is on targeted learning, networking, building valuable new business relationships, and resourcing top corporations helping Business Owners and entrepreneurs take strategic action to improve their businesses immediately.

Our mission is to give scholarships and laptops to students graduating from high school and heading to college or entrepreneurship.
TWe showcase Black Business on a global platform, to help leverage your brand virtually during the Black Business Expo USA / Olympics broadcasts.
Each day of the broadcast is themed as follows:
- Monday - Business Empowerment, Education, and Inspiration;
- Tuesday - Branding & Advertising, PR, Merchandising, Marketing;
- Wednesday - 64 Ways For Social Media/Technology/Metaverse
- Thursday - Women Empowerment, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality;
- Friday - Gen X vs Gen Z, Bridging the Generational Divide;
- Saturday - Black Business & The Culture;
- Sunday - The Future State of Black Business
"What You Are Looking For Is Looking For You.
Dr. Eric Kelly III
The Godfather of Black Business Expos
Dr. Eric Kelly III is an influential African-American businessman, artist, humanitarian,
author, and innovator who is considered the Godfather of Black Business Expos. Some
of his accomplishments included serving as the director of the Eric Kelly lll, museum,
which is one of the few museums named after a black artist in the world. The museum
was created by his great-grandfather, Henry Stancil in 1962 and is still functioning as a
place for collectors only to buy his artwork today. He is a retired CEO of Kelly
Worldwide branding and marketing agency. Dr. Kelly received an honorary Doctorate of
Humanitarianism from The Global International Alliance. Dr. Kelly's notable awards include
MED week’s Minority Business Advocate of the year, The Durham Links Artist of the
Year Award, UDI-CDC Entrepreneur Award, the Presidential Lifetime Achievement
award from Joe Biden, the inaugural Juneteenth Hall of Fame Award from
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. However, all of these awards pale in
comparison to his life’s goal of impacting the business world through economic justice.
At the core of his approach to connecting black business lies the idea that to succeed
black businesses need to put their vision first and the well-being of their people, rather than
just the bottom line. By implementing Kelly’s people-service-centered theory, black
business owners and managers can build a sustainable and nourishing work
environment that benefits their company’s long-term growth. Using his extensive
experience as an advertising innovator and serving over forty years impacting more
than ten thousand-business owners are a testament to his genius.
Dr. Kelly led the largest black business expo in North Carolina for thirty-five years, when
Covid 19 happened he founded the Black Business Olympics. The goal of the black
business Olympics is to raise scholarships and funds for students who are graduating
from high school and going to college. In addition, after three years of presenting the broadcast, it has become one of the largest black business virtual global events in the world.
The Black Business Olympics has showcased over twenty-two hundred businesses globally
in the last three years. His creation of the Black Business Olympics is a tribute to his
continual service to black businesses while connecting black people around the world.
The Black Business Network is a 24-hour business network highlighting black
businesses, business owners, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders worldwide.
The Black Business network highlights speakers from London, Australia, Singapore,
Africa, Japan, South America, and cities all over the United States.
The Black Business Network is a global community sharing its business knowledge to empower, inspire, and educate businesses about business. The Black Business Olympics has had over
10 million viewers in over 200 countries view their broadcast. The Black Business
Olympics is broadcast on HULU, Amazon Prime, RUKU, Amazon Music, YouTube,
LinkedIn, Spotify, Facebook, and serval independent streaming services globally. The
Black Business Olympics has speaker spots available; you may contact them at
www.blackbusinessexpousa.com or call 919-308-9090.
"What You Are Looking for Is Looking for You” Dr. Eric Kelly III.